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Black Beauty Stick Insect (Peruphasma schultei)
Black Beauty Stick InsectPeruphasma schulteiPrices from£7.00
The Black Beauty Stick Insect is a must for anyone who likes stick insects. Adults are jet black with small red wings and bright yellow eyes, they really are stunning.
Thai Bamboo Spider (Taksinus bambus)
Thai Bamboo SpiderTaksinus bambusPrices from£48.00
A very rare arboreal tarantula from Thailand which is only found living in the culm of bamboo. This spider was previously known as Ornithoctoninae sp. Mae Hong Son before being formally described and placed into a new genus on its own.
Venezuelan Suntiger (Psalmopoeus irminia)
Venezuelan SuntigerPsalmopoeus irminiaPrices from£8.00
This is a beautiful arboreal species of Tarantula, with vivid orange patterns over its abdomen, metatarsus and tarsus parts of their legs.
Variable Reed Frog (Hyperolius viridiflavus)
Variable Reed FrogHyperolius viridiflavusPrices from£35.00
The Variable Reed Frog is just that; each subspecies varies depending on the location found. All have a few distinctive features including excess webbing and living in savannah areas.
Moroccan Green Toad (Barbarophryne brongersmai)
Moroccan Green ToadBarbarophryne brongersmaiPrices from£19.95
Also known as the Brongersma’s toad, this small species would make a great addition to any serious amphibian collection.
Fire Bellied Toad (Bombina orientalis)
Fire Bellied ToadBombina orientalisPrices from£27.50
The Fire Bellied Toad used to be one of the most widely kept species of toad, now they are less common. Being easy to keep and maintain makes them great for beginners and they are always entertaining to watch.
Fantasy Horned Frog (Ceratophrys cranwelli x ornata)
Fantasy Horned FrogCeratophrys cranwelli x ornataPrices from£71.99
Argentinian Horned Frog's are one of the largest amphibians, growing to an adult size of 100-150mm and weighing up to 2Kgs. They eat what ever they can fit in their mouth, be an insect, frog, mouse or even small lizards!
Cuban Tree Frog (Osteopilus septentrionalis)
Cuban Tree FrogOsteopilus septentrionalisPrices from£39.95
Cuban Tree Frogs are the largest tree frog in North America, reaching an adult size of 15cm (6 inches). They adapt very well to captive life and make great beginners Tree Frogs!
Cane Toad (Rhinella marina)
Cane ToadRhinella marinaPrices from£39.95
The Cane Toad also known as the Marine Toad is a huge terrestrial true toad which is native to Central and South America. It has been introduced into other non native countries and has caused big problems to native wildlife.

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Komodo Latex Tropical Vine (Flexible vine)
Komodo Latex Tropical VineFlexible vinePrices from£5.19
The Komodo Latex Tropical Vines are made from safe and flexible latex for reptiles and amphibians to climb and explore.
Exo Terra Daylight Basking Spot (Basking bulbs)
Exo Terra Daylight Basking SpotBasking bulbsPrices from£4.99
Use these bulbs to create a natural basking area for thermoregulation. Five different wattages available. Does not emit UVB.
Reptile Systems Proten LED New Dawn (For plant growth and flowering)
Reptile Systems Proten LED New DawnFor plant growth and floweringPrices from£69.99
True 6500 Kelvin LED light source. High light levels and at the correct wavelengths for powerful plant growth.
Zoo Med T5 HO ReptiSun 5.0 UVB (High Output Tropical UVB lamp)
Zoo Med T5 HO ReptiSun 5.0 UVBHigh Output Tropical UVB lampPrices from£20.99
The difference between T5 lighting and T8 lighting for reptiles and amphibians cannot be emphasied enough. Zoo Med's T5 High Output range offer both an increase in visible light and UV output compared to older T8 technology.
Arcadia T5 UV Reflector (For fluorescent lamps)
Arcadia T5 UV ReflectorFor fluorescent lampsPrices from£9.25
Arcadia Reflectors can treble the amount of UV available to your animal by redirecting any stray light.

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Exotic-Pets.co.uk has been Home of the Alternative Pet for over a decade and we are one of the largest and most trusted online reptile specialists.

We carry stock of all major brands including Arcadia, Exo Terra, Lucky Reptile, Microclimate, ProRep and Zoo Med. Find everything you require for your new or existing exotic pet with our range of starter kits, vivariums, heating, lighting equipment, décor and substrates.

Our Pet Food section offers a broad range of specialist foods, which has seen us become a market leader in supplying fresh, healthy livefood, and quality frozen foods for reptile keepers and falconers.

We remain committed to offering comprehensive advice and care information on all the pets we sell and are happy to make recommendations based on your experience and abilities.

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