The people behind Exotic Pets UK is owned and run by Karen Baker.
About Karen Baker
Karen has worked with animals from an early age. She worked at a local Kennel/Stables from the age of 14, which lead to voluntary work at the RSPCA for several years. Her time at the RSPCA gave her a greater understanding and hands-on experience of a large variety of animals, she is a firm believer that a little understanding of how to care for your pet(s) goes a long way. Karen is still in contact with the friends she made at the RSPCA (some of which are now in management positions) and helps out whenever and however possible.
“The Kennels/Stables was my first job working with animals - I was always the child who brought home all the orphaned and injured animals to look after. I soon started voluntary work at the RSPCA where I gained experience of working with a range of animals, not just cats and dogs.
You could guarantee that if something needed hand rearing, I was the first one with my hand up. I've lost count of the number of birds I've raised, staff were that impressed with my determination and care they soon let me take on baby kittens, puppies and hedgehogs. They always seemed to ask me first if I wanted to look after another animal - they knew I couldn't turn them away!
During my time at the RSPCA, I also decided to take an NVQ in Animal Care so I could learn more about the animals I was working with.”
Determined to work with animals, Karen trained as a Veterinary Nurse and worked as a Veterinary Nurse Assistant for 3yrs.
“I'd always wanted to work with animals and when I had the chance to work in a local veterinary centre, I jumped at the opportunity. I mainly worked along side the Veterinary Nurses helping to care for sick/injured animals and give treatment as required. I then took a course training as a Veterinary Nurse which has tought me a lot.”
Today, Karen is dedicated to having a business - that not only sells exotic pets, but also educates and will hopefully become a useful resource for people new to keeping exotic pets and for enthusiasts.
“I would like see become one of the top sites for care, equipment and of course, good quality livestock.”
Karen has the support of a large network of breeders, experts and suppliers - without these contacts (some of which have become good friends over the years) she wouldn't be able to offer half the range of pets and advice.
“I would like to thank everyone who has either supplied livestock or given me advice over the years.
But especially Graham and Jancie S, Chris T, Rob B and Neil T.”
About Philip Baker
As well as her industry contacts Karen is helped out by her close friends, parents and brother Philip Baker. Philip studied as a Graphic Designer, this lead to a career in Web Design.
“I've worked in the web industry for over 10yrs - having the pleasure of working on both small sites and larger blue chip client systems. I've always wanted my own web site, but never really had time to develop and run one. is something I can get personally involved with, without having to do all the day-to-day running of it.”
Helped along by good friend Rob Clarkson (Web Programmer), Philip has been a driving force behind - keen to use his knowledge and experience in the web industry to help Karen grow her business.
“We wouldn't have half the features in the site if it wasn't for Rob, not only is he a good friend - but one of the best programmers I've worked with.
He has a brilliant understanding of new online technology, he never fails to impress me with the quality and commitment to his work and the web site.”