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Komodo products for sale

The Komodo range offers equipment that is both easy to install and use. Along with decor that provides habitat enrichment.

Komodo Basking Platform Ramp
Komodo Basking Platform RampRamp ideal for Turtle and ReptilesPrices from£14.50
The Komodo Basking Platform ramp is a sturdy ramp that can be used within a lizard or turtle enclosure.
Komodo Claw Clippers
Komodo Claw ClippersEssential toolPrices from£4.49
Safe, accurate and easy to use, Komodo's Claw Clippers help to keep a reptiles claws trim.
Komodo Corner Basking Ramp and Hide
Komodo Corner Basking Ramp and HideReptile corner hidePrices from£9.49
The Komodo Corner Basking Ramp and Hide is available three in colours and a number of sizes.
Komodo Mealworm Dish
Komodo Mealworm DishIdeal for gecko speciesPrices from£1.99
A perfect dish for feeding mealworms to your reptiles due to the curved upper lip and smooth sides.
Komodo Natural Tropical Vine
Komodo Natural Tropical VineArtificial and bendablePrices from£5.39
Komodo's Natural Tropical Vines are made from safe and flexible Coconut fibres for reptiles to climb and explore.
Komodo Reptile Scales
Komodo Reptile ScalesFor monitoring your pets weightPrices from£15.49
Perfect for accurately measuring and monitoring your reptiles weight. An essential tool for snake and gecko breeders.
Komodo Rock Den
Komodo Rock DenReptile hidePrices from£5.49
Available in a grey, brown or sandstone colour, the Komodo Rock Den helps provide a secure retreat for reptile and amphibians.
Komodo Terraced Dish
Komodo Terraced DishNatural looking dishesPrices from£6.49
Komodo Terraced Bowls can be used in a number of enclosures, from desert to rainforest due to the three colours available.
Komodo Twin Jelly Pot Holder
Komodo Twin Jelly Pot HolderIdeal for geckosPrices from£4.05
Perfect for many gecko species including, Correlophus, Rhacodactylus and Phelsuma.

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