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Frogs and Toads for sale

Behaviour, vocalisation and breeding activities make frogs and toads some of the most interesting pets to keep.

African Bullfrog
African BullfrogPyxicephalus adspersusPrices from£84.95
The African Bullfrog is one of the biggest frogs in the world, they are large and robust with weights recorded up to one kilogram!
Amazon Milk Frog
Amazon Milk FrogPhrynohyas resinifictrixPrices from£49.95
The Amazon Milk Frog is a strikingly coloured tree frog, reaching a size of 2 to 4 inches. They are native to humid rainforests of South America.
American Green Tree Frog
American Green Tree FrogHyla cinereaPrices from£32.50
American Green Tree Frogs are typically green in colour with a lateral cream stripe that runs down their body. These are ideal for beginners as long as plenty of plants are placed throughout the terrarium.
Borneo Eared Tree Frog
Borneo Eared Tree FrogPolypedates otilophusPrices from£67.50
A medium to large sized frog reaching lengths of up to 9.5cm with a triangular shaped head. General dorsal colouration is brown to yellow along with cream to white ventrally. Numerous thin black stripes run down the back from the head.
Bubble Running Frog
Bubble Running FrogKassina senegalensisPrices from£39.95
Running Frogs are from the Savanna area of Tropical Zone Africa.
Budget Frogs
Budget FrogsLepidobatrachus laevisPrices from£71.99
Budget Frogs are an olive green colour and grow to an adult size of 11.5cm (4.5 inches). These are one strange and weird looking creature!
Burmese Chubby Frog
Burmese Chubby FrogGlyphoglossus guttulataPrices from£25.00
The Burmese Chubby Frog is a small species that reaches an adult size of 5cm. They can be found in Southeast Asia living within burrows and under leaf litter.
Chubby Frog
Chubby FrogKaloula pulchraPrices from£28.95
The Asian Painted Bullfrog are also known as Chubby Frog within the pet trade. These are an hardy medium sized species that are ideal for beginners.
Cranwell's Horned Frog
Cranwell's Horned FrogCeratophrys cranwelliPrices from£24.95
Also, known commonly as Pacman, Argentinian and Chacoan horned frogs. These voracious feeders will attempt to swallow anything that moves close to their mouth.
Cuban Tree Frog
Cuban Tree FrogOsteopilus septentrionalisPrices from£39.95
Cuban Tree Frogs are the largest tree frog in North America, reaching an adult size of 15cm (6 inches). They adapt very well to captive life and make great beginners Tree Frogs!
Fantasy Horned Frog
Fantasy Horned FrogCeratophrys cranwelli x ornataPrices from£71.99
Argentinian Horned Frog's are one of the largest amphibians, growing to an adult size of 100-150mm and weighing up to 2Kgs. They eat what ever they can fit in their mouth, be an insect, frog, mouse or even small lizards!
Fire Bellied Toad
Fire Bellied ToadBombina orientalisPrices from£47.95
The Fire Bellied Toad used to be one of the most widely kept species of toad, now they are less common. Being easy to keep and maintain makes them great for beginners and they are always entertaining to watch.
Green Paddy Frog
Green Paddy FrogHylarana erythraeaPrices from£24.99
The Green Paddy Frog is found living in thick weeds and vegetation of marshes, rice paddy fields and slow running streams within much of southeast Asia.
Malayan Leaf Frog
Malayan Leaf FrogMegophrys montanaPrices from£131.99
The Malayan Leaf Frog looks just like another leaf on the forest floor. The females grow large reaching an adult size of 15cm.
Red Eyed Tree Frog
Red Eyed Tree FrogAgalychnis callidryasPrices from£71.95
Red Eyed Tree Frogs are one of the most sought after species due to their bright colours and stunning red eyes.
Whites Tree Frog
Whites Tree FrogLitoria caeruleaPrices from£47.95
The is the best tree frog to keep if you are a beginner or wanting a new species to add to your collection. With their round, plump bodies and big appetites, these will keep you amused.

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