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Other Lizards for sale

Weird and wonderful lizards you won't find in any other category; monitors, tegus, swifts and more.

Bosks Fringe Toed Lizard
Bosks Fringe Toed LizardAcanthodactylus boskianusPrices from£24.95
Bosks Fringe Toed Lizard is a lacertid lizard that is found in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. It is a very fast lizard that lives in deserts.
Brown Anole
Brown AnoleAnolis sagreiPrices from£14.95
Growing to a total length of 18-20cm from snout to tip of tail, the Brown Anole is a small active species. They enjoy basking on branches and feeding on small insects.
Eastern Collared Lizard
Eastern Collared LizardCrotaphytus collarisPrices from£95.00
Eastern Collared Lizards have a dark brown/black collar around the neck and range from tan, yellow or green markings with spots scattered over the body. Females are yellowish-tan with faint spots. Both sexes reach an adult size of 200-350mm (8-14 inch).
European Eyed Lizard
European Eyed LizardTimon lepidusPrices from£94.99
The European Eyed Lizard is also known as the Ocellated Lizard which is a large species averaging 60cm in total length. Males are robust with a green background colour while females tend to be grey; both sexes have blue spotting on the flanks.
Great Plated lizard
Great Plated lizardGerrhosaurus majorPrices from£152.50
Great Plated lizards live on rocky hills between rock crevices. Their appearance varies depending on the phase as they are found in Eastern Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique.
Green Anole
Green AnoleAnolis carolinensisPrices from£35.50
The Green Anoles is a tree-dwelling lizard that's native to the South-eastern United States and Caribbean islands. These are an ideal species for beginners as they are very hardy in captivity if the conditions are correct.
Pink Bellied Swift
Pink Bellied SwiftSceloporus variabilisPrices from£30.00
The Pink Bellied Swift is a small to medium species growing to an adult size of 100-150mm (4-6 inch). They can be found living in rocky terrains in arid and semi-arid environments in North America, this lizard is found from South Texas to northeaster Mex
Red Tegu
Red TeguSalvator rufescensPrices from£480.00
The Red Tegu is a large bulky lizard from western Argentina that reaches between 3-5ft. They are one of the friendliest Tegu species to own and love a varied diet of fresh fruit, veg, insects and meat.

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