New membership levels and Pet Posts! FREE until 2008
Monday, 26th November 2007
We've just released some new features on the website; Membership Levels and Pet Posts.
Pet Post is an area for you to Sell, Swap or post a Want for your exotic pets; there is a UK section and an International section for our friends overseas. Read more about Pet Posts.
To cover administration costs and future developments - we are introducing new membership levels; there will be lots of special offers and savings for our UK+ members.
There will be four types of membership:
- Standard Membership (FREE)
- UK+ Membership (Paid)
- INT+ Membership (Paid)
- INT+ & UK+ Membership (Paid)
You do NOT need to pay a membership fee to buy Exotic Pets from us; Standard Members still get the same quality live stock, pet points, referral points and loyalty discount as before. More information on our new membership levels.
To trial and beta-test our new Pet Posts and membership levels - they will be completely FREE until early 2008.
We'd love to know what you think. Please feel free to contact us with any feedback.