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Snakes for sale

Snakes are a truly diverse group of reptiles varying in size, colours, patterns and even diet habits. Often considered some of the easiest reptiles to keep by many.

Brooks King Snake
Brooks King SnakeLampropeltis getula brooksiPrices from£75.00
Brooks King Snakes was originally thought to be a subspecies of the Florida King Snake. In recent years, they are now classed as location of the wild-collected adults. We, along with others in the hobby, have decided to keep them listed as Brooks.
California Red Sided Garter Snake
California Red Sided Garter SnakeThamnophis sirtalis infernalisPrices from£120.00
The California Red Sided Garter Snake is a stunning species, will live communally in the right environment, are brightly coloured and easy to care for; making them perfect for any level of experience.
Californian King Snake
Californian King SnakeLampropeltis getula californiaePrices from£129.00
Californian Kingsnakes range in colour morphs from black and white striped or bands to chocolate, lavander, albino and many more. They are one of the best first snake species to own as a beginner.
Carpet Python
Carpet PythonMorelia spilotaPrices from£125.00
Carpet Pythons are large snakes varying in size depending on locality from four to twelve feet in length and weighing up to 15kg.
Common Boa Constrictor
Common Boa ConstrictorBoa constrictor imperatorPrices from£50.00
The Common Boa Constrictor can reach an adult length of 12ft but averages between 5-9ft. This species makes a great exotic pet, however a large enclosure is required when adult.
Corn Snake
Corn SnakePantherophis guttatusPrices from£65.00
Corn Snakes come in a huge variety of colours. They are a easy handling size and have a calm disposition. These animals are reluctant to bite, constrict or defecate under mild stress like other species. Suitable for any experience level.
Kenyan Sand Boa
Kenyan Sand BoaGongylophis colubrinusPrices from£95.00
Kenyan Sand Boas are found living within sandy areas of East Africa. Adults vary greatly in size depending on sex. Males are small averaging 15 to 18 inches, whereas females are slightly larger and stocky growing to an average size of 30 inches.
Nelsons Milk Snake
Nelsons Milk SnakeLampropeltis triangulum nelsoniPrices from£189.00
Nelson's Milk Snakes have thin black and white rings with wide red bands.
Pueblan Milk Snake
Pueblan Milk SnakeLampropeltis triangulum campbelliPrices from£129.00
Pueblan Milk Snakes are banded with bright colours, this makes them an attractive species to own. They are shy and prefer to have small, tight hides to curl up in.
Royal Python or Ball Python
Royal Python or Ball PythonPython regiusPrices from£79.00
Royal Pythons are calm and gentle, making them an ideal beginners snake as long as their environmental requirements are met. They are available in a huge variety of colour morphs and are hugely popular exotic pets.
Taiwanese Beauty Snake
Taiwanese Beauty SnakeOrthriophis taeniurusPrices from£175.00
The beauty snake is a long semi-arboreal snake from Asia, they can grow to quite a impressive length of 10ft. Which is huge for a member of the rat snake family.
Variable Kingsnake
Variable KingsnakeLampropeltis mexicana thayeriPrices from£165.00
Variable Kingsnakes are classed within the beginner species of snakes and are ideal for people new to keeping reptiles or for the younger generation as their first pet snake.
Western Hognose Snake
Western Hognose SnakeHeterodon nasicusPrices from£75.00
These odd-toothed snakes are fascinating to keep due to the behaviours they exhibit. They’re also a great alternative to other commonly available species.

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